Friday, January 14, 2011

Paint and Play-doh

I saw this idea on a blog, where you put different coloured paint into a large ziploc bag, squeeze out all the air, seal it, then let the kids mix the colours. Plus, you can write in it through the bag kinda like a drawing board.

So I thought, “GREAT! Paint, colour science, practice writing letters and number IN PAINT, and… NO MESS!”

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All this was true, and kept Jeddy and Ella happy for about half an hour while I worked on geography with the older kids.

But then…

They wanted real paint.


Keona said, “Why don’t you let them finger paint like I did in kindergarten!?”

To which Jeddy replied, “Yeah! Why can’t we finger paint like Nona?”

So, I decided that we’d just do some hand prints.

I have hand prints from different ages of all the kids except Jed and El.


Before I knew it, I had given the new paper, 10 different colours, and the go-ahead to dive right in.

And so they did…


It only took about 5 minutes to clean up.

Man, I remember it taking A LOT longer when I did this with 5 kids- that were all 5 and under.

The triplets scared me away from doing so many things like this!

I just bought play-doh again, after swearing it off “forever” 4 years ago.

Having only two kids at this age, has opened up a whole new world of messes to make! :)


  1. I have sworn off so many things too. Play dough also, legos, gingerbread houses the list constantly gets added to. But it is good to know one day they might be able to have these things again. We have not finger painted in years. Your time looked so fun.

  2. bahahahaha! that smiley face on his tummy!!!


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