Sunday, January 16, 2011



At church, before choir practice.

We were actually early for once!

One of my plans for this year, is to take atleast one photo of all seven kids each month.

1 down- 11 to go

Notice how tall Keona has gotten?!?!

The triplets used to be so much closer in height with her. All of a sudden, she shot up.

Now Elijah’s catching up to the girls…

Big “thanks!” to great-grandma Joy, for all of the dresses in this picture. The girls are always excited to open her Christmas gifts. :)

Eve, calls her dress “the ladybug.”

She loves it.

This is the only shot where Ella has her tongue in her mouth.

I should have straightened Elijah’s tie.

Jeddy, really does adore his sisters as much as it looks like in this pic.

Prayer kept telling me that she felt fine- but she looked pretty out of it all morning.

Charity, loves taking care of Ella when we’re out. She can’t wait to be able to help in the nursery.

I made the girls take off their glasses for this picture because of the glare.

Then, I had to tell them not to squint.

Jeddy has stayed dry four nights in a row now.

So has Ella…

They both got a hot chocolate at Tim Horton’s.

Actually, Ella and Elijah got a hot chocolate. (The older girls were with Nana and Papa and Nadine…)

Jeddy, wanted “a tea like Mom”…


  1. What a beautiful family you have!

  2. Wow... I can't believe how grown up everyone looks! I love all the smiles, and I love reading your blog :). Have a wonderful day!

  3. Such a good looking family. And that little cutie on the left he could melt hearts.

  4. Beautiful picture and yes, I was thinking that Keona has gotten really tall lately

  5. I'm glad you mentioned it because I was just thinking WOW, I didn't realize Keona was that much taller than everyone else!

    Your family makes me smile. I think your goal is a great one to have. I want to do that as well! I only have two to wrangle but it is still a struggle with all the he's touching me, his arm is choking me!, quit pushing, and all that stuff.

  6. Nana said...Beautiful picture!!!
    Keona is definitely the big sister.


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