Monday, January 3, 2011


rainbow sweater

The rainbow sweater…


I bought this sweater as a gift for Eve, at Christmas. I have been looking forward to photographing it in the snow ever since. She says it’s her new favourite. Her last favourite, we bought while in Nova Scotia on a road trip. We had a huge fruit tray for lunch on the beach, and then proceeded to drive along bumpy, dirt roads for the next hour. Eve got sick. Her sweater needed help and there was no laundry room in sight. We were on our way to a ferry and didn’t have an extra, being that it was the middle of summer. We drove to a Walmart, and I ran passed the guy who was blocking the front doors with clothing racks because they were closing. I managed to grab her the only sweater in the place for $8. It has been her favourite for the last 2 1/2 years. It was time for a new one. :)


Ella is still sick and slimy. I’m encouraged by this article my mom posted about fevers. Her body is doing its job. She told me that she was “asking Jesus to make her tummy all better” before naptime today. She was quite happy this evening telling her siblings that “Jesus made her tummy feel all better now!” :)


I haven’t forgotten about Elijah’s birthday post. I want to take a few new pictures of him for it and I’ll post it later this week.


A Bible verse that stood out to me today in my daily reading:


“And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.”
-Matthew 7:25

1 comment:

  1. I just came across your blog today and now I am the newest follower. Your family is beautiful! You are so blessed to have 7 lovely happy healthy kids. Can't wait to check back. I hope your little one feels better soon.


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