Friday, August 20, 2010



Um…. Excuse me sir, but I think you may have some ice cream in your moustache…


Oh, the fun that we can find at the dollar store! Earlier this week, we went to the dollar store to grab some

pencil boxes (which we actually $1.50) and some Crayola crayons (which were $1.25) and even some pencils and a few binders… (which were $2.00)


Problem was- we didn’t get Ella a pencil box. So all week, she was stealing everyone’s pencils and crayons and trying to sharpen them herself. Prayer was not impressed when Ella tried to sharpen all of her sketching pencils and charcoals… So today, we got Ella her very own princess pencil box, filled with Crayola crayons.


But seriously, there is barely anything for $1.00 at the dollar store anymore. I remember going to a dollar store when I was a kid and things were 3 for $1.00 or 5 cents, 25 cents, and 50 cents. When I told the kids this, they were quite impressed thinking about all the things they could buy at a store like that!

I didn’t bother explaining inflation to them…


But those glasses on Elijah up there- got those for $1.00! ;)

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