Monday, August 31, 2009

Back To School!

Today, I survived our first day back to school…

back to school1

More importantly, so did the kids!

back to school2

Just a little FYI… I had absolutely nothing to do with the outfit selections in these photographs. I used to try and make sure that they always matched, and their hair was always done perfectly… I remember looking at other peoples’ kids and thinking “I would NEVER let my child step foot outside the door dressed like that!”

I used to swear off, tacky little character shoes, cartoon shirts, and mismatched socks.

Now, they dress themselves. Even Jeddy… the girls do their own, or eachothers’ hair. Elijah has StarWars sandals, and as you can see from the picture- a Cars shirt. The girls don’t always match. OK, rarely match.

Against my better judgement, I let Prayer choose her own yarn for a hat. So what if it looks like she’s wearing scrambled eggs on her head, right?

yellow hat

Maybe I’m maturing as a mother?… Maybe I’m just too lazy to bother now?…  Either way, the kids are happy!

The girls and I decided to use some leftover fabric, and make our own school bags this year.

DSC_0321 bag2

I was amazed by how simple they were. I think Keona could have probably done them on her own after watching me!

We finally found a pair of shoes that Ella will keep on…

Ella's shoes

She must take after her father. Only the most expensive ones will do! :P She refused to take them off all day. Maybe she’ll decide to walk now!?


And where was Jeddy while all this was going on?

Do I really even have to tell you?

Probably not…

You guessed it!

jed and toad

Now that we made it through the first day of school without killing hurting eachother- I finally got around to cutting the boys’ hair, the kids are all showered and in bed, and now -maybe I can relax.


I could crochet the 10 hats I have orders for, finish the props for the baby photoshoot this weekend, paint our new chest for the livingroom, wash and iron Scott’s dress shirts for the week, find the perfect place in Durham for family portraits, and maybe…. just maybe… have time for a shower myself?…



  1. they look gorgeous! and they are so blessed to have such a talented, loving Mommy!

  2. please shower yourself... peeeyooouu! :P

  3. We made it through the day as well, although we do "only" have 4 to deal with.

    I love Keona's skirt!

  4. Papa says,
    His mother made a handsome son didn't she!


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