Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Why I Love Homeschooling

OK... so not really why I love it...
But one of the many reasons that we find it enjoyable.

It would have just been depressing to spend today cooped-up inside, sitting at a desk.

We were at the table reading our Bibles, with the sun shining, and the cool breeze coming in through the windows...

*The summer time's callin' my name! I hear ya now... we just can't stay inside all day gotta get out in the sun and pla-a-ay!*

I mean... do school work!

I remember how it was the most exciting thing as a child, to get to bring a book outside and read under a tree during school time.

I wish we could do this every day. Just spend our time lounging in the sun, reading, and occasionally taking some time to smell the roses dandelions!

Of course, then I would never have time to do laundry.... or cook... or clean...

Ah, yes!
This is the life!


  1. Very nice and who got Jeddy to smile? Robbie says probably Daddy?

  2. almost forgot... I love Eve's look in your new "big" picture... that's my girl, enough already!

  3. How amazing! I would have loved to sit outside studying like that when I was at school... Awesome job Jac :-)

  4. haha... only you and I could quote a song from the Brady Bunch! :P I was singing it to Adam the other day!


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