Monday, May 3, 2010

Flying Ella and Fire Trucks!

I really need to stop leaving my 365 photos from the weekend on my camera until Monday night… Especially when I have photo shoot editing to catch up on! Speaking of which, I had a photo shoot on Saturday morning. I left my house at 6:45am while everyone was still asleep, and got back home at about 9:30am. As I walked up to the house, all the curtains were still closed- which is odd. When I walked in, all the kids were sitting at the table eating breakfast, while Scott was still fast asleep in bed! Keona had made bagels for everyone. The girls had changed and dressed Ella. The boys were… well they were up! I’m loving it that my girls are getting older, and such willing little helpers!

DSC_0852 copy copy  Not a helper (yet) just a cute photo. I love a hairband on her little curly head, but she constantly pulls it off!


Friday, Scott took us to Lynde Shores, and we saw the fox again! Well, I didn’t… but Scott did. He threw it a peanut, and it ate it! ha…

DSC_1025 Caught Ella sneaking some peanuts for herself…


Usually, she loves being thrown up in the air.

See how excited she is!?!?

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She says, “Fly! Fly!”

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And then…


I guess Daddy threw her a little too high!


She LOVES it when I do it! Honest. We don’t torture our kids and take photos of it for fun! I wanted one of her laughing in the air, and this is what I got.


On to Sunday…

We had a wonderful day at church. Scott met a man named Mohammed, who was from Iran, and after sharing the gospel with him- Scott was able to lead him to the Lord! We spent the afternoon at the Johnston’s house, and the kids had a great time playing together. I’m so thankful that they’ve taken so quickly to all the kids at our new church. It has been a huge blessing for me to see them make new friends so quickly. God always fills in the voids.


Today, I took my sister to get her hair done. I had a picture of her, but it wasn’t all that flattering- so I’m being nice this time and keeping it to myself. ;) We drove her home and nearly got run off the road by a crazy transport truck. Then, we got home, into pj’s and heard sirens outside. ALOT of sirens. I looked out the window, and saw people taking pictures! What in the world??? I went out to see that the garage of the house across the street, was completely engulfed in flames. There was smoke everywhere, and several fire trucks on the seen. I should have brought my camera out… But before I knew it, I had 6 kids standing around me watching as well. No one was hurt, so it was pretty exciting for them to see all the firemen working.


Before bed, the kids all called Papa and sang Happy Birthday to him!

Happy Birthday Papa!


And now, my day is done. Almost… Just a few more photos to edit!

1 comment:

  1. What a great picture of Ella! (the first pic, not the freaking out flying pic). Her shoes are adorable too.


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