Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Shutterfly, Birds, and some news…

I am extremely excited tonight! I just ordered another FREE shutterfly photo book! Have I mentioned how much I LOVE Shutterfly lately? Cause I do. They’re books are amazing!


I also love long weekends. Especially, long weekends with nice weather.

The kids and I got to take Scott to the “bird place” for the first time.

scott and bird

We tried our very hardest to have a curious cardinal, or a blue jay land on our hands- but they were too cautious.

This was as close as we got….


Scott sat there in the stroller for quite some time while the kiddos searched for beach glass.


(the kids called him “old man in a wheelchair” haha)

Ella got her very first pair of flip flops, and didn’t take them off all weekend. She even wore them to church!

ella's feet

When we got home, i commented on my slight tan form being out in the sun for several hours. Prayer said, “Yeah! Look at Eve’s tan!”



That’s not a tan, hun.

That’s dirt….


I’m still amazed by these little birds.

Apparently, they prefer peanuts…

bird in hand

Oh, and Jeddy rode Elijah’s big boy bike for the first time! 


We put the training wheels back on (Elijah moved on up to Uncle Robbie’s spiderman bike) and off my little daredevil went with his ripped up jeans!

This picture just screams “BOY!” to me…

But maybe it’s just me… haha



I feel quite a relief now that I can actually talk about our other news. No, I’m not pregnant! :) Our pastor announced in church this past Sunday, that we’ll be leaving FaithWay and going to work at a church in Richmond Hill when Scott is done school in a few weeks. It’s a decision that we’ve been praying about for some time now. I think we both have a bittersweet feeling about it. We’re sad to leave our church, and our friends… but we’re excited to get involved helping out somewhere else. We’re excited to see what God has in store. The kids took the news well. Keona almost cried, but everyone else was excited.


Keona is a sweetheart. On Sunday, our friend Miss. Madge had her niece up here visiting from the Barbados. (Mind you, her niece is my age.) After church, I had just come back from getting Jeddy and Ella when Keona came up to me and said, “That lady looks lonely. I was thinking I should go talk to her but I don’t know what to say.” Sure enough, I saw her- sitting on a chair by herself in the foyer. I encouraged Keona to just “Go say hi. Ask her about herself.” And so she did. They continued on in conversation until Miss. Madge came up to meet her. No lack of social skills here. ;)


I’m sure we’ll have some new stories, and exciting events to share over the next few weeks as we adjust to some big changes. Right now we’re just praying that God will use our family to be a blessing to our new church, and to help move His work forward. 


1 comment:

  1. the bird's wings in the peanut picture are amazing! how creative and masterful is our God!

    may God continue to bless your family and you serve Him. i will be praying for y'all as you make the change. may God richly bless your ministry, jac!


Who doesn't love a friendly comment!? :)


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