Friday, March 4, 2011

Bookworm (63-2011)


SOOC on B&W mode. (Sharpened for web and cropped for template.)


This girl, always has her nose in a book. She read her first novel the summer after finishing kindergarten and has never looked back. (I think Miss. Brooks may have had an influence on her… :) I almost want to make sure she has her own room when we move, just so I can decorate it around all of her books…  But then again, all of the girls love books. I guess we’ll just have to create something like this for all of them! Something like that, anyways…

School is done for the week. House is cleaned up for the weekend. All ready for us to make another mess. Laundry is all caught up.

Oh wait- no, it isn’t.

My laundry is never caught up.

I’m really good at finding projects to do- such as, sewing a dress for Ella who already has a dresser full of them… so long as I can avoid laundry duty.

Nonetheless, I am ready for my date with my hunny! Really, really, really, hoping for no wait at the tax office. We usually get our taxes done in February, and have no issues with wait time. When I called at lunch, they were already busy, and weren’t taking appointments.

Miracles can happen, right?


  1. She's a girl after my own heart!

    Love the cheery yellow dots too!

  2. Yay... reading :), and I definitely want one of those book walls in my house someday! Thanks for the mention in your blog :)... haha. Keona was a great student!

  3. love the pix!
    what book is she reading there?!

  4. It's a Jane Austen collection- I believe she was reading Pride & Prejudice. Again... :)


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