Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mission’s Conference

Today was one of those days that I choose not to blog about. I don’t want to talk about feeling nauseas all morning, or my kids apparently forgetting everything they learned last week- over the course of the weekend, or being exhausted from having such a busy day, and yet by the looks of my house- you would think that I sat around eating bon bons. Ah yes, it was just that kind of day.

On a better note- our church just concluded an amazing mission’s conference. Remember last year at this time? When Ella stuck her hand into a pile of steaming rice? Thankfully, no burns this year. :) No crazy little men in Prayer’s Bible, either…

Our kids were so excited about the gifts they got to buy for some of the missionary kids. We heard from missionaries on their way to El Salvador, St. Lucia, Malta, Niger and Mongolia. 

I went to a ladies’ brunch where we got to hear from each of the ladies- their testimonies, and special prayer requests.

2 copy 5 copy 1 copy I “know” that these women are just ordinary women… but they still amaze me. Their testimonies of how God worked everything out to lead them to where they are now- excites and encourages me.  Scott and I were talking about how every time we hear about the needs in a certain place, we think - “we could go there… we could help…” But like a preacher said this past week, there are needs everywhere. So, we wait. We do what we’re supposed to be doing now- and see where God leads us.

The children put on a “Parade of Nations,” but I have yet to get around to those photos. I’d say that I’ll do it tomorrow… but I’m going to be at a conference, at a church in Barrie, with Scott all day tomorrow- so maybe Wednesday!


Just for fun…

Ella’s newest game.


Please ignore the dirty floor… and crummy picture. I’ve decided that sometimes, I don’t have time to pull out my big flash, or change my lens… sometimes, I just need to capture the moment… :)

Oh, and check out a photo shoot from the weekend HERE



  1. Cute pic of Ella.

    You ended up getting a flash then? What one?

  2. Sorry about your day.... They help to make the good days more special.????

    Does nauseas mean what I think it may? Wonderful. And blessings to you.

  3. Nana said...Aw, I like Ella's new game :)

    Nauseas??? Did I miss something???

  4. haha ... she was wearing Jed's boots yesterday!

  5. Adorable pic-- I'm glad you captured it!

    I love our church's Missions Conference each year. What a blessing to see the faithful willing to give themselves to the cause of Jesus Christ! I have such a burden for missions... but God has not called me there (yet). In the meantime, I feel so privileged to be able to give of my prayers and finances.

  6. Oh, my!! I just love the pic of Ella. How precious!

  7. Possibly the most amazing read I have read all month!



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