Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Today in school…

we studied… zoology!

Conveniently, at the Toronto Zoo. ;)


I didn’t take a ton of pictures, as I wanted to be able to just enjoy the day with my kids- but… when the baby gorilla came out and was jumping around like a crazed-toddler- I couldn’t resist!


He would get up on the ledge, look at the kids, and then bang on the glass with both hands before jumping and rolling down the hill. He was so cute!


I think Ella’s favourite part was chasing the peacocks around.

Eve went to one of the information booths, with all of these claws and furs out for show. The lady working there, had a very strong Chinese accent. When we left, Eve said, “I didn't understand anything she was saying, but I just nodded my head and said ‘Ohhh!’ so that she wouldn’t feel bad.”

I remember doing that to my great-grandma as a child. She has a very strong Jamaican accent, and I often had a very hard time understanding her. After say, “Pardon?” about 10 times- I would just nod my head and answer ‘yes.’ Then I would hope that she didn’t just ask me if I was the one who coloured moustaches on all of the family portraits…

(Ahem… Sarah!)


I love taking the kids to the zoo during the cooler weather. Especially on school days! No crowds. No sweaty kids drinking so much water that we have to run to the bathroom every 5 minutes. Makes for a much calmer day.


Oh yes, and here’s Jed with his favourite giant toad statue.

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Ella was terrified by it. She wouldn’t believe me that it wasn’t real.


Just for fun- “i heart faces” is hosting an orange photo challenge this week, and it immediately made me think of Keona. I could only enter one photo, but made a quick collage just because.


1 comment:

  1. We haven't been to the zoo in ages! i would go just to see that funny monkey! (gorilla, whatever.)

    Eeeeee! What a perfect orange pic!!! LOVE the collage!


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