Monday, November 29, 2010

Counting down…

… the days until Scott and I are off for a weekend getaway! Which will include shopping over the border! He has never been cross-border shopping, and I’ve only been to Walmart and Cracker Barrel- so we’re looking forward to it! Any places that we MUST hit in the Niagara/Buffalo area?


Also, counting down the items on my to-do list before we leave.

I have 3 boxes full of Christmas cards calling my name.

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They may wait until next week.

Piano, voice, and verse practices for our program at the seniors’ home this month. The kids are putting on a Christmas special for them. Last month, we missed our visit to the seniors’ home because we were at my sister in law’s wedding. We called ahead of time to let them know. Well, apparently they didn’t let all of the residents know… One of our most faithful men, Ernie- came down expecting us. The lady who works there told us that he sat and cried when we didn’t show up. :( This month when he saw the kids, he left his walker and practically ran back to his room to bring them some candy he had picked up for them. He doesn’t know it- but he is way more of a blessing to us than we could ever be to him.

Another man named Stanley, said to Scott, “I enjoyed your preaching cause I could actually hear you this time!”


I came home from my photo session on Saturday, and found Jeddy like this on the couch…


Speaking of Jeddy…

We made a trip to Ikea two weeks ago for some much needed plates! We were down to only 5 large dinner plates- and two of those had chips in them!

I couldn’t decide between the apple green and the classic white.


Guess who persuaded me to go with the green?

Then my wonderful husband decided to grab the white as well. So we can alternate colours for Christmas dinner! ha… Now Jeddy insists on always using a green plate or bowl.


Ella is learning to draw people. I just snapped this picture quickly while I was colouring with her the other day- but I’ll have to try and get a better one of her “people.”


She can almost write her name, as well! No, she didn’t write the one on her paper… :P Her E’s have about 10 sideways lines instead of 3. I said almost…. That little pink flower however, is hers.


Well, I’m off to make a program for the senior’s home, and then hopefully make out some Christmas cards!


I’ll end with my favourite picture of Prayer.

Just cause…

prayer5 copy


  1. I'm sure you'll already be hitting the outlet mall:

    There's also Walden Galleria:

    And of course Target.

    Make sure you have some Auntie Anne's Pretzels:


  2. Love the green-excellant choice Jed! (Been looking at those plates too..hmmmm)
    Thanks for teasing us on your Christmas Card...blurring out the background so we can only see the boring boxes they came in! Your cards are one of our FAVOURITE things about Christmas, it is right up there with decorating my Christmas tree (and you know how important that is to me ;)

  3. JCPenny is great! Looks like everyone else has already shared the good places :) have fun!!

  4. I can see why that's a favorite picture. Beautiful.

    Glad you got green and white plates. Green looks so pretty on the shelf and food looks extra tasty on white plates!


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