Monday, October 20, 2008

Ground Hog Day??

I told Scott that I felt like I was living in the movie "Ground Hog Day".... ha. OK so that was a BIT of an exaggeration....but to say that I needed to get out- would have been a understatement! :)

Let me start by saying, that on Friday my wonderful, amazing, super sweet hubby stopped on his way home from school and picked out my new camera for me!!! :) I am a proud owner of a Nikon D60.

Can you tell that I'm a little excited??? He got a really good deal on it too! I have yet to figure it all out...but hopefully there will be some amazing pictures in the weeks to come!

I spent the night playing with my new "toy"... while Charity and Scott played Scrabble..

Eve practiced the piano....

And the others played lego and such like.

The kids had been looking forward to going on our "Nature Walk" all week. (that's what we use to call them in public school anyhow) It was just what we needed. To relax and enjoy the cool, quiet outdoors. I have always loved fall.

We walked by a little cliff(only about 15 feet high) but there was a creek below and I was paranoid about the kids walking near the edge. Go figure, it was Scott who leaned too near and lost his sunglasses over the edge. Keona said that was her favourite part. :P

We even got to see a cute little fuzzy caterpillar on our way out.

That night, we went grocery shopping and came home to BBQ. Scott even baked cookies after dinner! They were incredibly addicting too...

Did I mention that despite my hubby's wonderful baking- I have lost my last "Ella pound"!? Thank you Wii Fit. :D Now only 10lbs to go to my goal weight...

The boys watched hockey and I played with my camera some more... figuring out how to set the white balance and depth of field. Scott now thinks that I love my camera more than him. :P

Scott's yummy cookies!

We spent Sunday with Scott's family and had a great time and wonderful food! We went to church with them Sunday night and heard some good preaching too. Though, I didn't take any time for sure!

And here's a look into our Monday of homeschooling....

Keona learning about how steel is made in science.

The triplets doing math.

Ella blowing bubbles in her walker.

Elijah leaning about Abraham and Isaac.

And Jed... yep, you guessed it. Causing trouble in the kitchen....


  1. WOW - so much news! Great post and we all want to see more pics for sure! I love how the girls do math!!!!

  2. I'm so glad that you commented on my blog. I remember going to your blog a few months ago and then I somehow forgot to add it to my list in Igoogle. Your family is beautiful and I love the "Flashback Friday" feature. I'm stealing that...I hope you don't mind. Take care.

  3. Congrats on your new camera! We have been researching the new Nikon D90...Let me know how you like it! I would love to see some photos taken with it!


  4. Thanks :) The D90 looks amazing! It was just a little out of our budget. I LOVE the D60 so far. All the pictures from this point on, were taken with it. Keep in mind, I'm still learning!


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