Thursday, October 23, 2008

Best Year of School Yet!

I am thoroughly enjoying homeschooling this year! It has always been rewarding... but not always so enjoyable- if you know what I mean. Keona said to me the other day, "This is the best year of school ever!!" Which is a big thing. Up until now, her highlights were always from kindergarten- when she was "in" school... I was continually doubting myself about whether they were really enjoying learning. Well, I can say with assurance that we are all learning alot this year, and having a great time while we do it!
Keona did the ostrich and I did the heron.

This week Keona was studying Nigeria in geography. To experience some of the things they enjoy doing there- we did some stone paintings, and she made a bowl out of clay. As pottery is a vital part of their way of life.

In other news... it SNOWED this week! Seriously... ? It's October. Nonetheless, the kids had to wear their winter coats in this 0 degree weather. They were all excited about it. Me...not so much.
I have to post this picture of Ella... just because it's cute! :)
Did I mention that my boys are crazy!?


  1. Could Jeddy get his mouth any wider?

  2. Nana Said...Good work Keona the painting looks great. Mom's looks great too. Nice teeth boys.


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