Monday, September 6, 2010



I had a better one of all three of them- but I love my grandpa’s and Ella’s face in this one.


I’ve been blessed by the influence of several amazingly beautiful, and unbelievably strong women. Though, I know if you asked any of them- they’d tell you that is wasn’t by their own strength they survived things, but by God’s grace. My grandma Joy is one of them.


As we all arrived to visit her on Labour Day, and she hugged all my kids, then my sister and I- I could see the tears in her eyes. She lost her oldest son (my dad) 22 years ago and I can only imagine what goes through her mind as she sees us all. As she must imagine what it would be like for her son to be there- with us all. She calls me from her restaurant, and tells me that she longs to see my kids. She asks me if I ever think about my dad. She tells the kids about their grandpa. She’s special.


My grandpa in the picture above- isn’t actually my biological grandpa. Though he has been and is, my grandpa. My grandma had my dad at a very young age and was a single mom. When my dad was a baby, he used to crawl over to my grandpa’s house, and my grandpa would sit on his porch and tell him stories. My grandpa loves to play with the kids. He asks the girls if he can braid their hair. He tells them that he has a tiny nose. He’s special.


I adore my family.


  1. Hey, I just wanted to say congratulations on your new coming baby! I am due in April as well!!

  2. That is a very cute pic. Love their expressions!

    Still trying to get over the fact that they are your grandparents, they look SO young!

    When I think about your grandma mourning the loss of your dad, it makes me get teary. I can imagine her trying to picture what it would be like to have your dad there with all of you. Imagining a different life, a different normal...

    And it encourages me that after all these years, she still remembers. And remembers out loud. That is a big fear of mine... not really of forgetting but of not remembering as often.


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