Thursday, February 11, 2010


Those of you who have never attempted to corral several children, who are close in age… well, lets just say that I wouldn’t recommend it! I have gone against all of my own rules and principles to get a simple smile. Bribery, empty threats… you name it! There was a time when I only had 5 children and I was attempting to get a nice picture of them for Father’s Day, little did I know that the entire time, my Mom was behind me video taping it! Ha… wonder if she still has that… (Mom? :)


Speaking of videos…. today, we watched a home movie of when I was pregnant with the triplets. I cannot believe how HUGE my stomach was! I mean, I believe it… but WOW- I had forgotten. Funny thing is, I gained the same 70lbs with each of my pregnancies. I remember people asking me if I was due “any day now” when I was 20 weeks along… I can only imagine how much larger I would have gotten if I had gone full term!


OK. Back to the kids and pictures thing… the “we heart kisses” theme was interesting to try and get.

Just for fun- a few outtakes…


That’s more like it. Then along came the bribery of dessert after dinner…. :) He is actually punching her in that last one. He was not impressed at all!


In other news, Ella is better, the boys are coughing, Keona is losing her voice, and we’re going to the couples’ retreat this weekend! I am looking forward to- no laundry, no dishes, no cooking, no picking up after the kids, no waking up to the boys lightsaber fighting in their bedroom…. one night away, sounds just right!


The kids are also looking forward to partying it up with Nana and Papa tomorrow night! Late night with movies, popcorn, and xbox….

Mom and Dad who???


  1. LOVE,LOVE,LOVE the outtakes! You should show more of those-man, they made me laugh!! My Kids will love this blog entry.

  2. Wondering how you organize your photos once off of the computer! You have SOO many wonderful ones, your walls must be packed. I really need someone to help me get the pics out of the computer and put somewhere. I'd love to know what you do. If you have time you could email me or post it here! Angela

  3. Beautiful... love your blog (as always)! I will be looking through my videos... trying to decide if I am going to buy a machine to transfer them to DVD or take them and pay to have it done!


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