Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Not Quite as Planned

I had a fun post planned out in my head this morning, but then I was too busy to take pictures of all the fun things I had planned….


My sister was coming over to babysit for me. Scott and I were going to get a coffee (or tea!) together and go get our taxes done while enjoying eachothers’ company. Instead, we argued on the way there. But we made up and apologized to eachother 5 mins later, and still managed to have a good time.


We went to a grocery store and saw (???) Healy. An ex Toronto Maple Leaf… Anyhow, Scott was apparently impressed. He invited the guy out to church, and asked him why he wasn’t at the Olympics. I was no longer the highlight of his day… :P


I got to eat lunch with my hubby and his friends at college for the very first time in 4 years. I thought my kids were loud around a table…. ;)


I made decorations with our Pastor’s wife for a ladies’ tea party we’re having at our church this Saturday. I enjoyed getting to know her a bit.


I love our new Pastor and his family.


I miss our old Pastor and his family.


I’m crying now….


I got to come home to my kids and my favourite sister. My little brother was supposed to join us for dinner, but was too sick. We watched Jeddy eat atleast 5 plates of chick-pea salad. Apparently, he just hounded my sister for food all day long. This kid had better be huge one day with the amount of food he eats. Oh, and by the way, he hasn’t stolen anything from the cupboards in over a week. Maybe the policeman that he saw the other day and he thought was “looking for little boys who steal food from their Mommy’s cupboards” solved my problem…


We drove my sister home. I had fun chatting with her on the drive.


I came home and gave all of my kids big hugs and kisses, and sent them off to bed. Poor Keona is in her room coughing like crazy. I thought she had missed it…. :(


I think my body may be fighting it since I have been exhausted for the last week. Which is why there are no photos for this post. Crazy, eh!? I know… Oh well, there’s a first time for everything.


Now, I’m going to doze on the couch while I wait for Scott to get home from work. Gnite!


  1. Hey Jac,
    Cool you guys saw "Glen" Healy.. haha. His kids take lessons at Durham music so Marci knows him. She always trys to impress people with the fact that she knows an ex-Toronto Maple Leaf... LOL. Hopefully he comes to church! Take care and have a good day :).

  2. no photos? wow, you must be ill!

    new and old... it's hard sometimes. reminds me of the song we learned in girl scouts... make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold.


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