Monday, February 1, 2010

Finding Our Way

I remember reading that title of a book someone gave to us when we found out that we were having triplets…. It was all about “finding your way” through the birth, baby, and toddler stage with multiples.

Now, they’re 7 years old, Keona is almost 10, we have been blessed with 3 other kids, and married for almost 10 years!

Craziness, if you ask me…

It seems like just yesterday we were hanging out at Eaton Centre on our first date.

And yet, here we are.

We survived the pregnancy, birth, baby, and toddler stage, and now we are “Finding Our Way” through the childhood, and soon to be “preteen” stage.


DId I just say that!??


So here is my problem-

Lately, homeschooling has become dry. The kids are bored, I’m bored, this isn’t how I envisioned it going. Our first year, with three in kindergarten, and one in grade 2, I needed the structure of a strict curriculum. So, that’s what we did. But our daily routine has become everything that I loathe about the traditional school system. I wanted my kids to be able to spend time pursuing things that they LOVE while not neglecting all the basics. I wanted to go on impromptu field trips, learn about the history of music, study famous missionaries, read books out loud together, write stories, play scrabble for spelling….

And right now, I feel like I have failed at what was most important to me about homeschooling… Providing my kids with a God-centred, home-based, catered to their specific strengths, school day.


I am, by nature, (or genes- MOM!) a very scheduled person. I like to have things planned out and organized, but I think we need a little spontaneity. My kids’ favourite days are when we spend an hour googling different landmarks, and sights to see in Canada. And believe it or not, they remember these things, and learn from them! For example, Jed has been telling everyone that he wants to fly to Nunavut! 

But we haven’t had time for that lately. I’m guilty of allowing life to become too busy. Too busy for what is most important…

I often feel like the world will come crashing down if we fall a week behind on our lesson plans, or if we skipped (yikes!) a couple of lessons of review… Then I remind myself that 1) my kids are all a year ahead of where they would be in  school , and 2) What is my main goal in homeschooling them anyhow!?


Yes, I believe that being able to diagram a sentence, and write without a spell-check is important, but is that my ultimate goal? Nope. Ultimately, I want to raise kids who know God, who love God, and who want to serve HIm. Where are they going to learn of God’s love? From a Mom who is too busy teaching the helping verbs to sit down and answer a question that isn’t in today’s lesson plans?


Thankfully, tomorrow is a new day.


So, here we go- “Finding Our Way: Homeschool Edition”


And just cause I can’t post without a picture- I was playing around with sunflare the other day in the –30 degree weather. Eve is such a good sport! :P


  1. I can so relate to that blog. Creativity is what I like about homeschooling but sometimes, life does get busy and it is hard to fit in all the creativity that you want. But you have 7 kids so close in age and are doing a great job I am sure. We can't do everything and mustn't flog ourselves when we didn't get to as much as we wanted. But we sure are fortunate to be able to homeschool, eh? I love it (even on the tricky days).

  2. Nana said...You are too hard on yourself.
    You are a fabulous teacher and magnificent mother.
    A classroom of different ages is a challenge all of its own and you do a great job with all of it.

    Not to mention that you make hats, bake really neat cakes, do photography, care for seven children and a husband.
    Oh yah and you do a blog so the rest of us can have an climps into your beautiful family.
    You are so creative that I am sure you wiil find a way to spice up your school days.

  3. Hi Jaclyn,

    I came across your family a few months ago and bookmarked your blog on my browser. But I never really did get to catch more than a glimpse of it until last week when I stumbled upon the bookmark in need of some inspiration. In more than one way, I felt I had hit a road block and I know it was God's guidance that led me to your site once more. And inspire me it did. I am thrilled to have found someone like you. I too live in the Durham Region, am active in serving God as best as I can and as He allows it, and am also homeschooling. But unlike you, I only have two children, and so you truly amaze me that you seem to do many of the things I do but with seven! :) So when I read this post I thought I'd just let you know that in your small way, you have inspired me (and I'm sure lots more others) to be a better mom. Hang in there!


  4. Oh honey, sorry for the genes! You are the best Mommy and you love your kids so much! You are giving doing a wonderful job with home schooling and you will change and adjust as you go along.... Love you!

  5. I often remind myself of the same things!

    It is easy to get bored and hate school when it gets a little difficult in the subject matter. At least that's how it has been with my boys lately.

    The difference is that even if our day gets to be a little more traditional school-ish than I prefer, we still have the necessary flexibility and more hours in our day to pursue those personal interests. And sometimes that has to be enough. At least for THIS year. :)


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