Thursday, July 16, 2009

May as well continue the theme....

Since I have already been talking about our "little princess" this week, I figured, why not top it off with a prime example of why she is so spoiled....
Not to mention- she still isn't walking! My theory is- she whines and one of her sisters pick her up. Therefore, she has no need to walk.
Though, she has mastered climbing the stairs...

Today, was definitely not a groundhog day. First thing this morning, I got to run out and buy my new 50mm/1.8 lens!!! I cannot express how excited I am about this...and how badly I wanted to take it for a test run.

When I got back home, I ran out with a friend to take some pictures for a house that she staged, and her husband is selling (what a duo!) Quite talented she is...

I couldn't quite use my new lens for that...

It's going to take some getting used to this "prime" lens. I'm so dependant on my zoom...

Meanwhile, Scott was back at home, watching our seven kids, the little girl that I babysit, and my friend's three kids.

*What a man, what a man, what a mighty good man.... *



Back at home, I am anxiously awaiting the chance to test out my new baby... Unfortunately, my children are no longer very cooperative with my picture taking. Actually, that's an understatement.

Ella, turns her face away whenever she sees the camera.
Keona, goes on with her "Mu-ummm."
The triplets roll their eyes.
Elijah runs.

And Jeddy.... well, Jeddy just does this....

But that's OK! Because my cousin Megan, came over with her baby tonight. :) And, well he doesn't have much of a choice yet...
Love him.


  1. such good pictures.... you are so talented Jaclyn - but yes, you must drive your children a little nutty!

  2. Princess Arabella... I like it! :P LOL.. But she took her first step... ! Can't wait to see her walk!


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