Monday, March 8, 2010

Glasses and What-Not…

It was a few months ago, that we noticed Prayer squinting for the first time. Since then, we came to realize that the triplets had a hard time reading and seeing things at a distance. Today, was the big optometrist appointment!


Scott was at school, so I took all 7 kids to the office. The appointment was right in the middle of Ella’s nap time, she hadn’t slept, and I started to wonder if I was nuts.

DSC_0225 She quickly yelled, “Doooown!” as soon as she saw all the toys, and she was off. The receptionist commented on all of the kids, and then asked me if I went to FaithWay. I racked my brain, to see if I should recognize her… nothing! I said, “Yes, I do….” while still trying to figure out if I should know this lady. Apparently, her brother and sister-in-law go to our church, and she had heard about all of our kids, and thought that she recognized the names.


“Oh…” I smiled back. Slightly relieved that I had never met her, and wasn’t supposed to know who she was! On the other hand, hoping Ella didn’t pitch a fit, after all the comments on how well behaved the kids were. ha!


One at a time, the girls went into the office, and came back out with the same diagnosis. All three of them are near-sighted, and would need glasses.

“They will see things that they never even realized were there before.”



Now the fun of choosing frames began…

Prayer, ask right away if they had anything yellow. She told the lady that she liked every colour, but yellow is her favourite. There was ONE yellow frame in the whole place. The lady tried really nicely, to get her to try on the pink Barbie ones, and the purple flowers…. she kept going back to the yellow. I had to laugh. When the lady tried to giver her the purple and blue ones, she said, “Oh, not for me. Charity will want those for sure.”


Prayer’s yellow glasses


Eve was next. She went straight for the pink. After trying on about 5 pairs, she went back to the first ones she had chosen and decided that they were for her.


Eve’s pink glasses


Charity was last, and as soon as she came over, the girls said, “Charity, we have your glasses! You will LOVE these.” Sure enough, despite the lady’s attempts to get her to try on all sorts of different ones, she was already sold on the purple and blue pair.


Charity's purple glasses


For those of you who don’t know- this is so amusing to me, because while I was pregnant with these girls, we chose names and colours for babies “A, B & C.” Never did I imagine, that 7 years later, those would still be their favourite colours!


They pick up their new glasses next week. I’ll be sure to share some better pictures then!


Oh, and Ella only screamed once. Or maybe twice…. And she only made one run for the door.


On the way out, the lady said, “You sure have some good kids!”

To which one of the girls replied, “Cause we have the best Mom in the world!”

Gotta love your child’s short-term memory at times like that.


On the way home, they asked me when I was going to do another “Not Me Monday” and gave me a whole bunch of suggestions, of things I should say I “haven’t” done…

“Mom! How about saying you haven’t eaten like 10 twizzlers already today!?”


I’m thinking that maybe I should do a “Not my child” Monday…

“My child did not announce at a recent tea party, that we had a ‘grumpy thanksgiving’ once, when Mom and Dad had a fight and sent us to bed at 5:30.”


That was 3 years ago! Maybe not such a short-term memory after all...


  1. Thank you so much for the pictures - Grandma can't wait to see your glasses in person! They look beautiful (prettier than mine for sure!)

  2. ROFL about the grumpy thanksgiving! I about snorted out loud on that one! :)

    How VERY sweet that your girls said they have the best mom in the world! Is it wrong to force my children to memorize that response? Because I am sorely tempted!

    Glad you didn't have to know the receptionist. Since I am one of the few half-asians in my area, people tend to remember who I am. But honestly, I have no clue where I've met certain people or what their names are. I laugh at David sometimes and tell him that all of his balding, white friends look alike. Especially his pilot friends at the airport. ;)

    Oh and the glasses are adorable!!! I always wanted some when I was a kid. Darn 20/20 eyesight...

  3. Nana said...Wow they look beautiful girls. I too can't wait to see them in person. Nice colour choice too...LOL. If we only knew how much we could influence there choices; maybe it will work in more than just favouate colours. :)

  4. They look so good in glasses! It really does open up a whole new world. I remember that happening when I got my glasses when I was fourteen.

  5. It's true, they really will see things that they had no idea were there. They will be amazed by how things look when they put the glasses on for the first time (I remember when I got mine)

  6. ditto to the other comments..nine years old getting my glasses. I remember the grassy field-how I felt like I could see all the grass-so crisp and clear but ugh I had such UGLY glasses-praise God they have come a longgg way since then!!!

  7. Let the girls know they look beautiful in their glasses. Much better than the selection I had with my first pair!


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