Monday, December 1, 2008

My Weekend soundtrack...

was...Arabella crying, Arabella whining, and... more crying. She's getting in her top two front teeth, and she had a fever of 101- 102 all weekend. I haven't had a chance to update the blog because I've spent all weekend holding her. If someone else tries to take her- she frantically grips my shirt and buries her face in my chest. She hasn't been sleeping neither have I. Thankfully, Scott got up with the kids this morning and let me sleep for 2 hours. (even though it meant him missing his first class) I don't know that I would have survived the day without those 2 hours! I wonder how we ever survived the triplets teething??? I must have subconsciously blocked that period of my life out... :S

From this... this. In 2 seconds flat.
On Saturday, we had our friends Marci and Steve over for dinner and a hockey game. It was a fun(ny) night. Marci and I found the girls making a see-saw out of a broken shelf and a bouncy ball. Dangerous..but creative. Then they proceeded to show us how they climb the door frame up to the ceiling and jump off onto the dora couch...ha.
(like this.... except this is an old picture!)
Jed fell asleep with Scott- and his airplanes...
We pulled all of the Christmas decorations out and Scott picked up a tree on Sunday. I baked lots of fresh bread this weekend too... so our house was filled with the smell of fresh bread, and pine. Mmmmm... :) I can't believe there are only 24 days until Christmas! And I have only bought 1 gift! One! Last year at this time I was done shopping. Hopefully I'll have most of it finished this weekend.

And can I just say that I am completely disgusted with our Canadian government? It's a whole other post... but, some democracy....ugh.


  1. Nana said....I really like what you did with your vase. I am sorry to hear that Ella is in so much pain and glad to hear that the girls are not(from the doorframe jumping)I hope you get a good night sleep tonight....only 27 days until Elijah's BD.

  2. Love the pics and your vase.... don't worry you can work wonders in 24 days!
    Love you!


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