Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Phonograms, Birthdays, and a Runaway Dog

I have missed blogging! There are so many little stories that I will forget because I haven’t written them down. So many things the kids have said…

Like Prayer declaring that she was “sweating like a hotdog in the desert!”

Or Ella practicing her phonograms…

Sa, like ‘sat’.

Se, like ‘set’.

So, like ‘sock’.

Su, like ‘wasup’.”

I blame her father for that one.


Ella’s turn to add the star.

Lily now says, “Dum” (some) when she wants us to share food. “Lub ooo!” (Love you) “Mum! Mum!” As soon as I walk in the room.

12 months

12 months

Her sisters have taught her to go up and down the stairs. It’s quite hilarious to watch her crawl backwards while trying to find the top of the steps with her toes!

Keona taught her to feed herself. It keeps her busy and happy, but it’s incredibly messy…


Did I mention that Lily turned 1? Cause she did!


It was also my little brother’s 13th birthday! My little brother who just passed me in height…

The cake may have been a tad bit sweet for her fruit, veggie, and grain taste buds…

eating cake

The kids decorated the tree! I did nothing this year. And other than the 6 candy canes in a row across the bottom branch (courtesy of Ella) they did a really good job! As they said the next morning, “Mom, you didn’t even redecorate it!” :)


The dog has grown.

great dane growth

A lot.


He ran out the front door the other day and jumped on a neighbour’s kid. I shouted at him and called him back. He ran the opposite way. I apologized to the father, who seemed to find it funny, and then proceeded to try and catch my 75lb puppy. He eventually came over to me and walked back home. We’ve been doing some serious training since that little incident.


I cut my bangs! Not so exciting, I know. I wanted to do something new with my hair, but I settled with dying it black to hide all the white and cutting my bangs because I’m too chicken to cut my hair. This is the longest it has been since I was… 10?


Gotta love iPhone self-portraits!

I’m incredibly excited about a new type of photoshoot I’ll be offering in the new year! I have my first official “Birth Photo Session” scheduled as soon as momma-to-be goes into labour! I’ll be portfolio building for a bit, so if you or someone you know wants their baby’s birth documented- contact me!


The kids are done school until next year! I would post the picture of Keona’s “happy dance”, but I can’t force myself to do it. I made her promise me that she’d never try to dance in public again… haha! DSC_0470

Begging his sisters for icing, or cake batter, or something like that!

I am enjoying my kids. Sure they drive me to the brink of insanity some days… but I love them to death. I wouldn’t trade these days at home with them for anything. Did I ever blog about the time that I had told the kids to be quiet while I was making a few phone calls? I was trying to leave a message for our dentist when a full-out brawl broke out right beside me. I finished my message, set down my phone, and proceeded to tell the kids off for being so inconsiderate. (Forget the fact that they were on the floor wrestling- I was trying to make a phone call!) Anyhow, after telling them off correcting them loudly, I picked my phone back up, only to realize that I had never hung up. Must have made for an interesting message.


Anyhow, December has been a great month with the kids so far. God is so good to us! I’ll share about our “advent calendar” in the next post! :)


Oh, did I mention that Scott was writing something the other day with a pen (!) when he admitted to looking back at a word, expecting to see a red squiggly line underneath it, and thought, “Oh, I spelled it right!” You know you’re using your iPad too much when… :P

Wouldn’t be a complete post without poking fun at Scott!

Love ya, hun!

1 comment:

  1. Grandma loves this post... can't wait to see the haircut tomorrow!


Who doesn't love a friendly comment!? :)


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