Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

We have been counting down to Christmas but the kids have also been keeping track of “sleeps” until Christmas Eve. The tradition at our house is to open gifts today!

The boys had asked if they could wake us up whenever they get up in the morning… surprisingly, I was up before them!

You know the girls are getting older when they want to eat breakfast before opening presents!


We were all excited to watch Lily open her presents, but all she wanted to do was eat Cheerios. After her second filling of them she was more cooperative.


Elijah had been trying to guess what his present was for over a month now! His sneaky big sister had wrapped a DS game and a Lego platform inside our giant atlas…


He may have tackled her out of excitement…


The presents we buy are changing. There are less toys and more clothes. The girls asked for accessories, clothes, and books. Keona wanted an apron and her own bake ware. She had here eye on some quilting material a few months ago and was so upset when it sold out before she had saved enough money. Little did she know, that I had already ordered it for her… That was one of my favourite surprises of the day.


Charity wanted a baseball cap. Sometimes I shake my head watching her because she is such a tomboy! Scott reminded me the other day, that when we met I lived in boys basketball shorts, baseball tees, and jerseys… I love how different they all are.


Eve got hair accessories and crocheting stuff. Ella got new markers. (Big surprise there!) She also got her first Bible. Prayer got art supplies. Jeddy got his remote control car. Lily got a singing tea set. Scott is pleased that it teaches her to say ‘please and thank you’ and that it plays slow music. Now she sways calmly to the music instead of wiggling her little bum to her “Wheels on the Bus”… :)7

Everyone couldn’t wait to get into their new things…


One of our advent calendar events had been a walk around the neighbourhood to look at all the Christmas lights. I had told the kids to choose a favourite while we were out. Today’s event was to vote on our favourite and then go say “Merry Christmas” and drop off a Tim Horton’s gift card! Scott and I stayed in the van with Lily. I think the lady may have been slightly surprised when she opened her door and saw 7 kids standing on the porch!


Lastly, a little comparison…

one year

We are so blessed. I was especially reminded of that today as I watched my kids open all their presents, and then again while I relaxed with a tea and enjoyed a quiet day at home surrounded by my favourite people.


“And when we give each other Christmas gifts in His name, let us remember that He has given us the sun and the moon and the stars, and the earth with its forests and mountains and oceans--and all that lives and move upon them. He has given us all green things and everything that blossoms and bears fruit and all that we quarrel about and all that we have misused--and to save us from our foolishness, from all our sins, He came down to earth and gave us Himself.”

― Sigrid Undset

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