Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy Birthday to My Best Friend

Today was Scott's 28th birthday. It doesn't seem very long ago that I had just met him, and he was turning 16.

Twelve years and seven kids later, here we are.

Way back when we were just getting to know each other, I started praying for God to one day send me a husband like Scott. (Yes, at 13 I was praying for my future husband) I admired how sure he was of everything. How confident he was. How secure he was in his faith, and his relationship with Christ. He called me and encouraged me to come out to church when I really wasn't interested. He challenged me to read my Bible when I thought I had more important things to do. He helped assure me of my salvation. He showed me how big God was (is!), and how small we were. Most importantly, he led me by example. He has never been fake. I always appreciated that about Scott. What you see is what you get. Like it or not, take it or leave it. So all this time that he was helping me grow a closer relationship with God, I was praying for a husband like him. Someone I could trust, depend on, and follow. Thankfully, God's plan was not just for me to marry someone like him, but to be blessed enough to spend my life with him!

I couldn't ask for anything better than to get to spend my life living each day with my best friend. Well, 2nd best friend. I have to save 1st place for the One who set us up. ;)

Tonight, my Mom came over and babysat so that I could drive up to Scott's work and surprise him on his dinner break. I texted him when I got there and told him I needed him to go check his car for my wallet, that I thought I had lost it. He was slightly surprised to see me out there waiting for him. I brought him a few of his favourite snacks. We sat and talked, while we ate dinner together and watched the sunset. (One of our favourite past times) Though, I love doing just about anything with him.

Is he perfect? No. Have we made mistakes? Yes. But twelve years later, he is still trustworthy, dependable, and the strong, godly leader our family needs. He is everything I dreamed he would be- and more.

I love you Scott. Happy 28th birthday.
Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
-Psalm 37:4


  1. This is beautiful Jaclyn - and if you guys both keep your eyes on God I can only imagine what you will accomplish! We love both of you!

  2. All the things you have said about Scott are exactly what I think of him... as a brother of course!
    If it hadn't been for him I wouldn't have met Jesus (or possibly it would have happened much later!) so I suppose, God set us up too! :-p

    I love you both guys, you're such an amazing inspiration to me and one of the most beautiful families I know!


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