Monday, January 18, 2016

We're Back?

I asked Scott if there was anything he thought I should be doing for the new year. I didn't really have any resolutions (other than to eat as well as I make my kids eat) but I felt like I wanted to do something that reached farther than the walls of my own home. So when I asked him to think about it, he surprised me when he answered right away. "I want you to blog again."

(I was staging a pic of my breakfast for the blog but Addy decided to steal my cherry while I was grabbing my camera... And yes, I'm obviously doing really well with my first resolution!)

I had wanted to blog again as well. But things have changed since my blogging days of 2008. I used to have 5 kids homeschooling. Now I have 8. Five of them are in high school, two in grade school, one in kindergarten.

 This has been my most intense year yet.

Going a little stir crazy at the school table!

(Hence the two weeks of the new year before I'm actually on here) I used to blog at night when my husband was at work and my kids went to bed at 7pm to read. Now half of my kids are up later than me. We go to bed pretty early because Scott works in the office on day shift and, well, we're old.

In the last 4 years we've been through a lot as a family and as a couple. Spiritually, emotionally, physically... And I kind of lost sight of anything other than what absolutely had to be done. I kind of feel like I spent a good year of it in "survival mode." Looking back, I wish I had blogged about it. All of it. The good, the bad, the struggles, and triumphs. So here we go. I want this place to be authentically us. 

Grocery shopping with nine kids is lots of fun! Or not...

Side note: I don't allow my kids to complain. If you don't like something- change it or deal... But don't sit and complain. So that said, I won't use this space to complain. I won't complain about my husband leaving his clothes on the floor literally touching the hamper. I'll just pick them up and move on. I won't complain about my kids fighting. (Probably. Every once in a while maybe...)
I won't complain about how long my day felt. About how Lily cried through reading time until I resigned and let her go play with Addy. I won't complain about the sticky floors, piles of laundry, and undone chores...

But know that they're all there. We are nowhere near perfect and I don't want anyone thinking that I try to portray us as such. I will be honest and show our imperfections, but at the same time I love my life. I have nothing to complain about and this space helps remind me to count my blessings and be grateful. I also have to be more sensitive, as five of my kids are teenagers now and don't necessarily want their entire lives online for people to read. (Although, they were all for the Christmas blogging and thought it was hilarious! They also ask me why I don't blog anymore and love reading the old blog posts!) 

So here we go! We have so many exciting plans over the next few months. Life in general is pretty amazing right now. It kinda of feels like a clean slate. From house projects, to day trips, gardens, and chickens... 
My oldest being able to drive this year and only one left to potty train!!! 

Ideas are cooking. Things on here may change as I have time for them. But this, the actual blogging... I just did as I sat on the couch with my baby drinking her morning juice. 

Next up... A "re-introduction" post! 

1 comment:

  1. Your REAL life and great family are a great testament to the Godly priorities you place in your life! I am often inspired and encouraged when I think and read about you and your family. Can't wait to follow your blog. 💚💛💜


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