Tuesday, June 19, 2012

And so it begins…

Our journey of mini-deputation has begun!

We spent Father’s Day Sunday at Liberty Baptist Church in Lindsay. I was so paranoid about being late for our first meeting, that I set my alarm clock extra early. Sadly, my alarm didn’t go off- but that made no difference because I was awake long before then anyhow! We got to the church at 9am thinking that we’d have about 45minutes to setup and practice. We soon found out that the service actually started at 10:30am and we had some time to kill…

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Charity modeling our church display, set up in our dining room the day that it arrived.

We drove over to a nearby lake and sat on benched watching ducks with the kids. I snapped this photo for Father’s Day while we waited…


It was quite sunny behind me…

The girls and I laughed as we drove through what seemed to be an apartment complex for Seniors; every time we drove by someone, Scott would wave and the senior walking by would excitedly smile and wave back! You know you’ve left the city when…

Ella, asked to go stay in one of the “hotels”…  According to Ella, you either live in suburbia or a “hotel”.

We made it back to church with some time to spare but instead of practicing we spent it talking with and meeting lots of new people. :)

The kids made it through the presentation without any problems and Scott preached an encouraging message. We were invited to stay for lunch and the kids had a blast! Keona spent the majority of the time talking with the Evans’ oldest daughter and is now convinced that she should learn to play the psaltery. The triplets ran around playing with their middle daughter and Elijah, Jeddy, and Ella ran around with their youngest boy digging in the dirt and shooting sling shots! Yes, I truly wish I had taken a picture of Ella digging up dirt with a giant shovel- in her church dress and shoes… It was typical “Ella” style. Mrs. Evans and I had a good laugh watching her.

They were a lovely family and it was such a blessing and encouragement to spend the day with them! The kids are already planning our next visit out to Lindsay. :)

I reminded them that we’re going to get to do this all summer long!

Go to new places. Meet new people. Make new friends.

They are in their element.

We have almost every Sunday booked (or double booked) right through to our opening services without leaving Ontario!

We are excited to have finally kicked off our summer adventure with such an amazing start!


1 comment:

  1. I am happy to see that y'all are not skimping on a sad looking display. That one is great!

    Glad y'all are making new friends. I could just tell that your kids know how to be a friend... and you have to be a friend to have a friend. :)


Who doesn't love a friendly comment!? :)


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