Monday, August 18, 2008

Wasaga beach and Watermelon Sunday

On Saturday we took the kids to Wasaga Beach for Matty's 3rd birthday party. We planned on getting up early and having lots of extra time to get there...well, that never happens. Instead we woke up at 9am to Jeddy wolfing down those Mike Ike candies. Sneaky kid- Scott said he's going to replace them with the Hot Tamale ones... :O

We got a little lost on our way up there...well not really "lost". We just missed our turn... (right hun? lol) But it was a nice...umm..."scenic" drive! Finally we got there, a little late...but we were there. The kids had been talking about this for the past month, so they were extremely excited! Begging me to get into their swim suits the minute we arrived. But Ella was hungry and they had to wait. So they played in the huge jumping castle they had for the party!

The kids had a great time and didn't want to leave. They did change in swimsuits and play in the water for a bit. I forgot little swimmers for Jed, so he looked like he had some major 'junk in his trunk' with the 10lb diaper bulging out of his shorts. Ha. He didn't seem to mind!

It was a gorgeous day, and terrific party!

Happy 3rd Birthday Matty!

On the way home we stopped at McDonald's for dinner. Which is a very rare occurrence for us. Especially me...I don't remember the last time I had McDonalds. Or any fast food for that matter!

We got home early enough that Scott and I got to cuddle up and watch a movie together too!

On Sunday we actually got up on time! Well, I did anyways... :P And not only did we get up on time...but we left on time too! :) We went to our church in the morning and then headed out to meet Nana,Papa, and Nadine for lunch at Momtana's. Dr. and Mrs. Streeter are up visiting so we got to see them as well.

We went back to Nana and Papa's after and the girls played dominoes with Mrs. Streeter while I tried unsuccessfully to put Ella to sleep...but no, she refuses to sleep while we are out.
We went to church with them that night and enjoyed some great preaching. After the service they had ice cream and watermelon for everyone.

I don't know what possessed us to try and get a family picture.. but here's how it turned out....

Notice Charity's face?

When I saw the picture I thought, "You MUST be kidding me! Seriously??? What was she doing???" Then Scott and I had to laugh... It's always every picture.

This one is a little better....Still Charity with the face. Maybe she was showing off her missing tooth? Her neck muscles? Who least no one is picking their nose.
Oma also brought each of the kids a teddy bear. They were all so excited!

Did I mention that each of those bears sang a different song? Scott told them they'd have to leave them in the trunk for the ride home. But since I was driving the van I said it was OK to keep them... I didn't mind. ha... I starting regretting that decision about 5 minutes into the drive while I was listening to Ella scream and, "I'm going to the chapel, and I'm gonna get married....
L- is for the way you look at me! O- is for the only one I see...Sweet sweeet baby..." and so on.

Ahh... someday I'll miss having a van full of noisy kids.

But for now..maybe I'll invest in some ear plugs.

1 comment:

  1. Great recap and story! So many great memories.. and please remind Scott that Charity does take after him!!!


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