Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Keona's 8th birthday!

For some reason, 8 sounds so much older to me! I can't believe my "baby" is EIGHT!???

So, last Saturday Keona had a friends over for a little party. It was supposed to be a 'picnic in the park' theme, but it ended up pouring all day long... so we had a picnic in our living room! :)

It was nice to have a party with just a few friends, instead of the 20 kids we've done in past years! :S They played for a while, had some food and cake, and then we did some games before everyone went home. To finish off the night, all the kids watched Star Wars with Dad... lol

Yesterday was her real birthday. She picked french toast, bacon and eggs for her breakfast- peanut butter and honey sandwiches for lunch- chicken fingers, rice, corn and peas for dinner- and coconut cream pie for dessert!
(Jeddy blew out most of the candles before we finished singing happy birthday...)

Scott was pleased with that!

Then she got her presents from Mom and Dad. Her very own flat iron (which she has wanted for a while now...and she has already burnt her sister's ear with!)

... and a purse. She looked like such a little lady to me carrying her purse around last night...complete with a wallet and change purse, brush, Kleenex, lip gloss, sunglasses, notebook and pens, cream, mints, and an umbrella! Which should come in handy since it has been raining EVERY day!

It's hard to believe it has been 8 years since that very looong night in the hospital...I couldn't ask for a better 'oldest sister' and helper. I'm extremely proud of her.

So a happy 8th birthday to my little lady!


  1. Ahhhh - wonderful story Mom- it is hard to believe its been 8 years (and it was more than one long night!) - but you certainly have a lovely young lady - a little know-it-all too!!!

  2. Nona, I love you.
    Mommy, your amazing, What a little lady!
    Love Papa

  3. I love your blog:) You put me to shame and I plan on mentioning on mine how you make me feel rotten cuz I can never keep up with mine:) ha!!! And I think it is so awesome that Keona got a flat iron!!

  4. haha... me too! Now she can do all the girls' hair and I actually have time for mine! :) And she has only burnt herself once so far! lol


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