Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Little Secrets

I have wanted to blog for the past two weeks. But honestly, the task of catching up on everything that I skipped in June- was a little daunting. So, just to get me back in the swing of things, I’m starting with now. :) I will probably do a very random “June” post, with a few very random photos soon- but here’s where we are now…

big sis

Yep, we are expecting!

I am currently 16 weeks, no longer feeling nauseas 24/7, just felt my baby move for the first time, and couldn’t be more excited!!!

The kids are thrilled. All of the girls immediately started placing dibs on the baby’s gender when we told them.

Elijah’s first reaction was, “I’m afraid the same thing that happened to your last baby will happen to this one too…”

Jeddy, wanted to know if we could have “a new baby AND a new bird”…

And Ella… well, we told Jeddy and Ella when I was 12 weeks along, but we were still planning to keep it a secret from everyone except immediate family. We asked Ella if she could keep a BIG secret!

Her answer: No. I can’t keep big secrets. They too heavy. I can only hold little secrets, cause I still small.

We told her anyways… ;)


She has also informed me, that she will let me hold the baby.

So what now?

Well, we have VBS this week. Today, I made the mistake of bringing Jeddy and Ella to the busiest park that I’ve ever seen, while the older kids were at VBS. Tomorrow, we’re coming home! We still have lots of fun events planned this summer. I have photo shoots and a few weddings booked that I’ll be shooting, big belly and all! Back to school in September (which reminds me that I have to order next year’s curriculum!) and then Lord-willing, before Christmas, we will have a baby!


  1. Oh Ella, what a doll! I adore her!

    So excited for you, Jaclyn! I have my first ob/gyn appt on Friday morning. I wonder if they can guesstimate my due date this soon... bc I have no idea!

  2. YAY!!! Congrats! So happy for you and your family, what a blessing. Take it easy and I hope there is no more nausea. You guys have such beautiful children some people probably joke about a basketball team you have but it is a run way show:)

  3. sweet!!!! ahhhhh! i'm so excited for you. i almost cried. but i was too excited to cry. so i'm just being happy :D

  4. So happy for you guys! And what a great way to let everyone know!

  5. I was really noticing your lack in blogging, and praying that this was the reason!!! Praise God for the gift of life! Praying for a safe, healthy pregnancy for you and the baby!


  6. aaaaaahhhhhh! congrats. how exciting. love how you've documented this.


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