Thursday, October 15, 2009

Outtakes and more

Very creative title, eh?

I’m just in that kind of mood right now! :)

Here are two more outtakes from our own family photo session…


It was my first time using the tripod and remote… SO unfortunately, a few pictures where we were all actually looking- were focused on the tree several feet behind us. fam2

The kids were cold, and tired, and hungry, and grumpy…

…and so was Scott! :P

Oh well, tomorrow I’m taking the kids apple picking, and we shall try again.

And again…

and again….


{Click on the picture to see it larger}

Scott, “Okay, everyone make faces!”

Me, “I don’t even have a good one yet!”


Here’s Keona modelling my new hat!

keona_il (2)

I figured that all my girls have one- so I should have one too! ;)


I am so glad that today is Thursday! (Last day of work for Scott!) Even though it has been a short week.  I am definitely ready for this full-time school and full time work, stage of our lives to be over. I miss seeing Scott everyday. I miss having someone here to take over for a little while at night when I’ve had a hard day. I miss being able to run out to the grocery store without having to take all 7 kids shopping. I miss our kids getting time with their Dad everyday. I miss having spare time… Though I guess, right now, not having any spare time is a good thing. Because if I did have spare time, it would mean that I didn’t have any hat orders, and that I wasn’t booking any photoshoots…


So for now, I’ll just be thankful for the busy days, and look forward to the different-kind-of-busy days.



  1. Oh I love the outtakes!!! Especially the funny faces one. :) That is real family life!

  2. I just found your blog is amazing. You have a Gorgeous family I can't wait to see more!


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