Sunday, March 20, 2011



Umm… Prayer, I think you have a run in your nylons…


She actually wore them to church like that. I am so glad that it’s officially spring! My kids definitely get their going-barefoot-in-winter-boots from me. I am looking forward to flip-flops!


On our way home from church, Jed was sharing a bag of animal crackers with everyone. Once they were all finished, we still heard the bag crackling and Ella said, “Jeddy, can I have a cracker?”

Jeddy: No, I’m just eating the crumbs.

Ella: Jeddy, can I have a crumb?

We feed our children. Honestly. She really is not desperate for a crumb. Ha! For the first Sunday in weeks, she actually finished her whole lunch at Nana and Papa’s. I feel a growth spurt coming on.

This morning, she asked for a “Chai Latte, please.”

Which reminds me of one time when I was at a Mother-Daughter tea party with Keona. She was 5 at the time, and we were volunteered to play a question game. (where they take the mom out of the room and ask the daughter what they think the mom will answer- make sense?) Anyhow, they asked her,

“If your Mom could have tea with ANYONE in the world, who would she choose to have a tea party with?”

I thought for a moment when I came back in and heard the question.

Then, knowing my girl, I answered, “Keona.”

She had answered the question, “With me!”

I love my girls.



P.S. We won the game… ;)

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