Tuesday, March 8, 2011



Nothing quite like watching a Dad with his girls.

Have I mentioned how much we love having him home at night?

Even if he does leave two, TWO, winning roll-up-the-rims on my dresser to tease me because he wins every time! I may just keep those two free doughnuts… :P

This morning, I woke up to the sound of preaching. Elijah borrowed a “Sermons for Kids” CD from church, and apparently he thought that this morning, at 6am, was a good time to listen to it.

This afternoon, Jeddy ate 2 bowls full of chick-pea salad. After he spilled the first one on the floor…

Note: chick peas are NOT fun to try and clean up off the floor.

We gave the kids sourballs and I was all excited to take some pictures of their funny sour faces- nobody even made any funny faces! They don’t make them as sour as they did when we were kids.

While making dinner, I accidently put the oven on “Broil” instead of “Bake” and I may have not noticed this, until the top of banana bread was black. I didn’t have any eggs left to make another loaf. This past weekend, I finally went and got the replacement carafe for my apple-green coffee maker. Only to find out today, that someone must have knocked that coffee maker off the shelf in the basement and not told me, cause it now has a big crack inside somewhere. I found this out when it flooded my counter, while my banana bread was smoking. I now have a $250 retro-coffeemaker decoration…

Tonight, Jeddy came running downstairs and said, “Mom! Mom! Dad says we need supervision. Can you get it for me and I’ll bring it to him???”


  1. Oh no what were they up to?

    Sour and kids to funny

  2. you can give me a sourball and I will make a funny face but def. not as cute as your kids...
    I love JED! May I borrow him please???


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