Monday, April 6, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. We're still praying for her sweet little Stellan, who is still in the hospital having bouts of SVT. I doubt she'll be hosting this week, as she is still busy at the hospital with him. You can head over to her blog to read the updates on Stellan.

I have been waiting all winter to go and get my hair cut. For some reason, I decided spring would be a good time. Then, I would make an appointment at Valentino's and go get it done. Well... it was not me who gave in to my sudden urge to chop off the dead ends and just did it myself.

I have a great time playing Mario Cart Wii with the kids. Especially Elijah, who is super competitive. Not like me at all! So when we decided to try and win the 'special cup' together, I did not get told by my five year old that I "should try steering"... or that "if you can drive a real van, you should be able to do this!"

I definitely do not lose at Wii games to that same little five year old...
I also did not start putting Jeddy back in diapers last week. I am the one who always says, "no turning back!" (from potty training that is) So that would be completely counter productive...

Two weeks ago when our March break was over and everyone else was just beginning theirs- I did not decide to call for a week of "unschooling."

When I decided to do an impromptu photo shoot with the kids, I did not forget to change the settings on my camera when we went outside. On top of that, I was not in such a rush that I forgot to review any of the images. They were not all completely over exposed...

And just so you know... it was not me racing a 6 year old through the grocery store parking lot this weekend. That would be fun irresponsible. Seriously... what would the other adults think???

What did you not do last week? ;)

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