Thursday, July 14, 2011

What Summer Break is Made Of…

What a fun day!

We spent several hours out in the sun, at a park/splash pad with friends today. Enough hours, that even I have a bit of a sunburn! My friend and I got to sit and chat while the kiddos ran around, made up games, sang crazy songs, imitated favourite movies, and made new friends… Jeddy, seems to like making new friends. More specifically, friends that just so happen to be girls. He pushed “Emma” on the swing until her mom said it was time to leave. Then, not 5 minutes later, he was chasing “Charlotte” around the park. All I heard about for the rest of the night, was how much fun he had with Emma and Charlotte… Ha!

Prayer and Charity, spent most of their time on the swings with their best bud, singing crazy songs.


A couple of pictures from the triplet’s 9th birthday…


I made them guess who’s present was who’s- they gave me a really strange look… ha!

I wonder why??? ;)


Purses, full of treats!


Elijah, spent the day with his best buddy. They made up games and had the other boys in the park wanting to join in.


My man and “little man” last weekend…

Keona, Somiya, and Eve climbed on top of the monkey bars, and made up “SPY” games- when they weren’t carrying Ella around. Funny how Eve always plays with the older girls. Also funny- Keona lets her…

I realized how much of a help my older girls are during VBS week, when I took Jeddy and Ella to a busy park without them… Yikes! The girls are so good at taking turns playing with Ella and keeping an eye on her. When they’re with us, I never worry about where Ella is. I was drained after chasing those two around for an hour! Oh, to have the energy of a 9 year old again…


Speaking of Ella- tonight, she had on a dress and I told her that Keona use to wear it all the time. Her response, “Yeah, when Keona was me, her use to fit in this dress!”



Off to the beach with my kiddos and hubby tomorrow- looking forward to it! :)


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