Saturday, February 5, 2011



Keona, at a tae kwon do birthday party!


The instructor told her that she was fast and had a very good kick. I said that it must be from all the practicing she does on her sisters…


She had a fabulous time, and learned how to take people down in the process.


I drove up Yonge St. (which was dumb. Really dumb.) to get a Chai tea latte during the party.


For years, I told Scott that it was ridiculous to pay $4.00 for a coffee at Starbucks, when he could get one for $1.50 at Tim Hortons. I take it all back! I sat there reading my new book, while I sipped on my Starbucks, for a good hour.

Then we drove home in the snow and hail.


While we were driving, Keona asked me if we could go downtown for her birthday and visit the museum and shop at The Eaton Centre.

My answer?


I have been waiting for the day when one of my daughters would ask me to take her downtown shopping!

We’ll take the subway, eat lunch at Green Jeans, and window-shop til we drop! ;)

The museum is good too…

1 comment:

  1. So glad she had fun... downtown, Green Jeans.... sounds familiar!


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