Friday, November 19, 2010

Lost in translation

For the first time, since the year that we got married- we have a fake Christmas tree! Woohoo! And that first year doesn’t really count cause we bought our 2ft tall tree at the dollar store, and it’s very few-and-far-between branches wouldn’t even hold up little ornaments- so we went back to the dollar store, bought some red ribbon, and tied bows on the branches. We sat on our foam couch, and green lawn chair, in our basement apartment living room, drank hot cocoa out of dollar store mugs, and thought it was the best Christmas ever!

It was great.

But the tree… not so great.


So this year, we were blessed by a surprise cheque in the mail (don’t you LOVE those!?) and decided to invest in a fake tree. We spent half of what we planned, and got a perfect tree and let the kids each pick some ornaments! Keona picked red and silver feathers. I have no idea what feathers have to do with Christmas- but they’re pretty…

This is what my boys picked.


They keep calling it “their” ornament. I tried to suggest that maybe, perhaps, they had picked it out for me and it was “mom’s” ornament. They disagreed. Do you see how cute that is!? They’re in an acorn! Joseph’s hat- an acorn! The cradle- an acorn! My favourite ornament by far.


And yes, we have our tree up, (pre-lit!) gifts underneath it, (Jeddy told me that his present has a rip in it but he didn’t do it…) Christmas music playing, and hot chocolate all ready to go! Oh, and those cinnamon-scented pine cones from Michaels… Mmmmm…. I think they are incredibly “Christmasy” even if my sister disagrees…. My wonderful sister who came up here to take our family picture today, in the rain no less.


Here’s a sneak peek…


silly picIt went well, wouldn’t you say?

Ella looks a little confused… ha!


I love my kids.

The other day, Scott was giving the kids a Bible lesson on revenge. Right after Elijah “accidentally” round-housed Jeddy in the face… and he asked them, “So if someone punches you on one cheek- what are you supposed to do?”


Prayer’s response, with all the enthusiasm of knowing the right answer-

“Smoke them on the other cheek!”


I think something may have been lost in translation.


  1. Fantastic photo and great response from the kiddo. ;)

  2. LoL! LOVE the family portrait!!!! :-D Made me smile. :-)

  3. Oh please oh please send that photo out as your Christmas card this year! It is priceless and so true to life! I love how even the littlest one is being wacky!

  4. Christmas card awesomeness, that is what that picture is up there. I think Ella is wondering if she's in the right family. What a bunch of loonies! ;)

    Okay, I'm cool with the tree and lights and stuff. But seriously? You already have wrapped gifts under there too?! Wow. You're my hero!


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