Tuesday, July 6, 2010


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For the girls’ birthday, Scott and I bought them all new art supplies. New crayons, markers, pencil crayons, pastels…. so on and so on. I even gave in to buying some glitter glue. I may regret that…

Anyhow, it reminded me of when I was a kid and how excited I would be to get a new box of crayons. When they all the the paper on them, they were sharpened perfectly by a crayon pencil sharpener… Is that strange? Please tell me I’m not the only one who gets excited by the thought of sharp crayons… Who wants to colour with a dull one, really?


In other (more exciting?) news… I took all the big kids to VBS today, and only had Jeddy and Ella in tow! I never did have “just two” kids. :) We went to the mall to pick something up, and Jeddy noticed a stage set up with reptile pictures all over it. A few moments later, we were sitting on the floor in the middle of the mall with a ton of other moms and toddlers, watching a live reptile show. The best part? Jeddy got to see a giant (like dinner plate size) toad! And… he got to pet a snake! He couldn’t wait to tell his siblings about the “ginormous” snake he got to touch! Ella, was slightly less impressed by the whole thing.


It was quite the experience, to walk through the mall with two kids. A hand for each child. The luxury to just stop and watch a show. Now worries of losing sight of someone… Though I wouldn’t trade my seven for two anyday- we had fun. :)


  1. Hey, it's school supply season! Sharp crayons and fresh markers! Woot woot!

  2. Nana said...Did you take a picture of Jed and the snake or toad? You had your phone camera right?


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