Thursday, November 26, 2009

Falling behind…

In my blogging that is. Life has been busy. Imagine that! Christmas is in less than 1 month now, and I haven’t bought a single gift. Well, I did buy one that I hid in my closet and the boys found already… but other than that! And how I dread Christmas time parking lots… I remember being at Scarborough Town Centre once, and seeing two ladies get into a fist fight over a spot. I always park at the very back. No driving around for 20 minutes to try and save a 2 minute walk to the doors for me!


We’re trying to convince Scott to go to a tree farm this weekend, so that he we can cut down our own tree. I’ll have the girls ask him tomorrow. They always have better luck than I do for some reason!


But now- I’m going to teach my children. I was planning on a picture day today- but it’s so gloomy out. I think it will have to wait!

Now I’m just trying to come up with a fun idea to countdown the days to Christmas with the kids. Not into having 7 chocolate calendars sitting around the kitchen all month.


Countdown to Christmas break begins!


  1. We have a stuffed Christmas tree, that sits about 2 feet tall. The ornaments have the days of dec on them and we pin them to the tree each day.

  2. your life busy? no way! i bet you are hiding out and eating bon bons all day long. ;)

    deep breath. one day at a time, my friend! i know your month is going to be splendid. let me know if you figure out a good countdown to christmas! which reminds me that i did get one of those advent calendar thingies on clearance last year-- i think i can fit 2 hershey kisses in each drawer/door/window/date/thingy!


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