Thursday, September 24, 2009

“I’m not a newborn, Mom….”

But you look so cute posed as one!

final ella bw_il

I couldn’t help it!

I was getting all of my baby photography props out so that I would have them ready for the weekend, and I had Ella sitting beside me in her diaper… So, the girls and I decided we should take a picture. Or two. Or three…. She was much more co-operative than a newborn, I must say. I said, “Ellie, do this!” (putting my hands under my chin) And she did it! I love her little baby chub!

Speaking of chub… did I mention that I forgot my sweet little Jeddy in the nursery on Sunday night? I was working in the baby nursery right across the hall, I came out with Ella, walked right by his nursery, and to the foyer to find my other kids. It wasn’t until we were all standing there, that I realized- someone was missing! I sent Eve running to go get him… I still can’t believe I forgot him!

That’s a first…

Or maybe a second…

There was this one time, just after Elijah was born. You know, when we had a 3 year old, three 1 year olds, and a newborn… We all came rushing into the house after church, I sat down on the couch, and looked around for the carseat to feed Elijah. Scott and I both thought the other had carried it in… Scott ran out to the van and rescued my poor baby. Really, it had only been about 2 minutes, but I felt like the worst mother in the world!

Atleast neither of them were a “”Home Alone” style forgetting my kid….

Oh, and one more quick story…

I took the triplets shoe shopping on Sunday between church services, because the poor girls have enormous clown feet like their mother they’ve grown out of their shoes AGAIN… and I thought it was hilarious- how you could see their personalities in the way they choose their shoes.

triplet feet

Here’s how it went…

Prayer: Ooooh! Look! They’re shiny!!!

(enough said)

Charity: I want heels, so they “click” like your shoes, Mom…

Eve: Aw! Look at the beautiful flower lining inside these shoes….

So different, and yet, so much alike…



1 comment:

  1. so true... so different but the same! And Ella cooperating wowza! Impressed.:)


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