Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Grass Is Always Greener...

Elijah is a sweetheart. He is the type of boy who runs ahead of me to open the door, tells me I look pretty when I have a new outfit, and "protects" his Mom and sisters by killing the bugs. (Yay!)
He is a little gentleman.

Recently, who's gonna marry who, has become common conversation in our house. Tonight at dinner, Elijah said, "I don't think any girl will ever want to marry me. Other than my sisters... "
I didn't know whether to feel sorry for him, or laugh, at this statement coming from a 5 year old. I decided to ask him why he thought that. Apparently, a little girl in his sunday school class, not naming any names... Aimee Vandekemp told him that "he is a boy, and all boys should be thrown in the trash can!"

OK... Now I was laughing. I assured him that he shouldn't be thrown in a trash can, and that he is the handsomest, and sweetest boy I know!

He continued eating as if nothing had happened.

Guess it didn't scar him too badly...

On a more serious note... while we were driving home tonight, Elijah said, "Sometimes, when I see that other people have things that I don't have, it makes me feel a little bit jealous."

So openly honest. If only we could all be so real.

I taught the kids the saying, "The grass is always greener on the other side." And continued to teach them to count their blessings, and to be content with what God has provided. Which is so much more than we deserve. So we started listing all the things that we're thankful for...

We have such an abundance. Our kids have such an abundance. I'm starting to wonder if it is almost too much. If they are just going to start taking things for granted?

Jeddy had one airplane, and he loved that airplane. It went everywhere with him, and he was so careful with it. After its disappearance, Grandma replaced it with another one, which was equally as special to him. Since we all saw that Jed liked airplanes, at Christmas, everyone bought him airplanes. He easily has 30 of them now.

You know the last time he played with an airplane?

Just makes me think...

I don't want my kids to have the attitude that everything can just be replaced. It was a good reminder, a good opprotunity, for me to teach them. To remind them to be thankful. To remind them to be content.

To remind myself...


And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.
-Colossians 3:15-17


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh dear! I think that I need to have a talk with my child about the things she is saying! Second time this week I have heard things:) Oh dear! Perhaps one day, Aimee and Elijah will end up together and we can remind them of this moment!

  2. That's such a good point about teaching them to be grateful and appreciate what they have. I never wanted to give my kids too much for that reason but for Christmas when my daughter had just turned 2 she started showing an interest in bikes. I was so excited to see her reaction that we got her this big girl bike. She couldn't even really ride it until she was over 3. Afterwards I realized if I give her things before she even knows she wants them she won't appreciate them.

  3. Thanks Jac... This post made me think too :-)

  4. I should have just bought him another broom...:P

  5. You and me both...So much for all the school buses too!

  6. oh my.... airplanes reminds me of things that you and Sarah used to have... barbies, baseball cards and stuffed animals and more stuffed animals....


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