Monday, January 12, 2009


I hope my children look back on today,
And see a Mother who had time to play!
Children grow up while you're not looking,
There'll be years ahead for cleaning and cooking,
So quiet now, cobwebs; dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby, and babies don't keep.
-Author Unknown

On Saturday night, I was rushing around cleaning, serving sick kids, trying to catch up on my 1,569,745 loads of laundry and make dinner... I was a little busy to say the least. I was bent over in the pot cupboard searching for a specific pot (why is that the one I want is always at the back on the bottom???) I could hear Jed talking behind me, but just barely over the clanking of the pans. As I was yelling to ask Scott where he had left something, I felt a little tap on my back...then again... I turned around, slightly annoyed, and was face to face with Jed. He put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Mommy. Listen..." Then he made his way back over to the fridge and went on pointing out all the people in Keona's picture to me. He was so proud of himself. He just wanted me to see... My 2 year old had to tell me to stop and listen to him. I had been too busy... I spent the next 20 minutes sitting on the kitchen floor talking and playing with my little buddy. How I never want to be too busy for my kids...

Come in, but don't expect to find

All dishes done, all floors ashine.

Observe the crumbs and toys galore.

The smudgy prints upon the door.

The little ones we shelter here

Don't thrive on a spotless atmosphere.

They're more inclined to disarray

And carefree even messy play.

Their needs are great,

their patience small.

All day I'm at their beck and call.

It's Mommy come! Mommy see!

Wiggly worms and red scraped knee.

Painted pictures, blocks piled high.

My floors unshined, the days go by.

Some future day they'll flee this nest,

And I at last will have a rest!

Now you tell me which matters more,

A happy child or a polished floor?

-Author Unknown


  1. Beautiful! and yes, your children will always remember you for your time and learn from you to spend with their children too!!! (that means you will be a grandma..... someday!)

  2. awwww, almost made me cry. I am guilty of this a handful of times too :(
    Time flies fast, children are too precious. I would never exchange the blessing of being able to stay at home and take care of the children for anything.
    Thanks for the reminder, Jac.


  3. aww :) Jed is way too cute. And you are an amazing Mom... your kids are so lucky to have you! <3


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